Be a Happy Mum Hero: Support Happy Mums with a Monthly Supportership!
Every mum deserves to feel happy and supported. At Happy Mums, we understand the unique challenges of motherhood and the power of peer support. That’s why we offer life-changing peer groups, training, and resources – all focused on maternal mental health and wellbeing.
But we can’t do it alone. We rely on the generosity of people like you to help us continue our vital work. By setting up a supportership, you’ll be making a real difference in the lives of mothers across Cumbria.

For Mums and Mums to be- We are dedicated to removing barriers to accessing care. All those who identify as mums and mums-to-be are automatically part of our ‘Inclusion’ Membership at no cost.
- You’ll receive:
- Access to weekly peer support groups across cumbria & online
- Quarterly Mums Newsletter
- Invite to our Annual Picnic
- Access to our Supporters Merch Site
Towards safe places to share- We all have a basic human right to feel safe. On average it costs around £3.80 per person, per session to provide a safe space for a mum to share and recieve support through one of our peer support groups. You can help cover the cost for a loved one for just £4 per month
- In return you’ll receive:
- Happy Mums Newsletter
- Invite to our Annual Picnic
- Access to our Supporters Merch Site
- Our Gratitude!
Mums supporting Mums in business- Dealing with maternal mental health is hard enough, dealing with maternal mental health and accelerating your career… well we aplaud you and want to help, with our empowerment membership
- In return you’ll get:
- 2 networking events per year, One online and one in-person
- Share a profile raiser piece on the Happy Mums Blog
- Sharing of your blog post across our social channels 3 times over the year
- Quarterly Mums Newsletter
- Access to weekly peer support groups across cumbria & online
- Quarterly Mums Newsletter
- Invite to our Annual Picnic
- Access to our Supporters Merch Site
Help train our volunteers- Help us grow our peer-leaders. On average it costs £13.83 per month to provide training to one of our amazing volunteers who often provide over 40hours of their time for free to support others who are dealing with maternal mental health issues.
- Each of our volunteers get 2-3 days of in-house training, online learning in safeguarding, suicide and self-harm awareness, with our facilitators receiving group supervision every 6-weeks for ongoing support.
- In return you’ll get:
- 2x Peer-led Newsletters per year including introductions to the new volunteers you will have helped train!
- Invite to our Annual Picnic
- Access to our Supporters Merch Site
Bespoke Corporate Packages- A key element of sustainability for Happy Mums is maintaining provision of support groups and continuing to encourage the communities of North Cumbria to embrace Maternal Health.
- To do that we need 2 main things – Awareness and Funding. By supporting our sustainability with a corporate supportership you can make a real difference to your employees, their families and your community.
- Packages Could include:
- Training workshops in Maternal Mental Health
- Sponsored events
- Training for employees in peer-group facilitation
- Access to our supporters workshop
- Funding impact reports for CSR
- and of course a warm fuzzy feeling
Worth Knowing:
When clicking subscribe you’ll be taken to a payment site. This is our payment provider’s checkout, your payment and payment data will be managed via stripe as per our Privacy Policy.
As Happy Mums is a Community Interest Company rather than a charity we are subject to fees and taxes as another company would be. We are also not-eligible for Gift Aid.
Stripes fees are 1.2% + 20p per subscription payment so based on our Safe Supportership, you will pay £4 per month and Happy Mums will receive £3.76 per month.