The Latest from Happy Mums

Scribbles of Sanity

Expect everything from mental health, motherhood, disability, and grief, to postnatal depression, recovery and anything else that life throws at me. From our dedicated Blogger, Emily. 

Separation anxiety and me

Separation anxiety is something that I struggled with and still do struggle with from time to time, and I don’t think it’s talked about often enough. People are often misled by the idea that only babies suffer from separation anxiety, but mum’s very much do too....

This is me

I have been writing blogs for The Happy Mum’s Foundation intermittently since having my first child, nearly 3 years ago. For those of you that are new here, please be assured that you can only expect complete honesty. I try my best to be as open, honest and authentic...

New Mum, New Identity

When I imagined what my life might look like with a baby in tow, my fantasised rose tinted glasses version was definitely far far from reality. Like galaxies and universes away. So let me tell you all about my fantasised family life pre-baby… I day dreamed about...

Mum Stories

The stories of some of the amazing mums who have found support within Happy Mums

Kylie’s Story: Help is out there, in many forms

While pregnant I was seeing the mental health midwife at my local hospital in Carlisle. She was great and helped to make a plan for as soon as I gave birth.  As soon as Lucas was born I started back on my mental health medication, that had been stopped correctly...

In the News

When Happy Mums has Made the Headlines

Thank you Katie – 5 years of service

Five Years ago, today, Katie started working at Happy Mums on a 7-month Admin Assistant contract. She soon became the glue that holds everything together and has progressed to operations manager. The one who knows where that file is, where we should be when and, of...